Writers' Café



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the writing community in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange, a community-based organization for poets

Collision, a Pitt student journal of nonfiction

Nidus, a journal of art and literature by graduate students in our English Department's MFA program

Three Rivers Review, a literary journal supported by Pitt's Honors College that publishes the work of undergraduates in the Pittsburgh area

Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series, readings and talks by nationally-recognized writers in various genres

The New Yinzer, an online magazine that publishes new and experimental writing by regional writers, is looking for volunteer staff and writers

The Pittsburgh Quarterly, an on-line journal by new and established writers, features a calendar of Pittsburgh writing events.

Prosody, a radio program airing Tuesday evenings from 7 to 7:30 on WYEP that features contemporary poets and writers reading and discussing their work.

Poetz is a calendar of poetry/literary events in venues all over Pittsburgh.

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The Writing Center
Department of English
University of Pittsburgh


Questions or comments? E-mail wcafe@pitt.edu homereadinglearning contestspublishing