Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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22280-22299: LOBs: DBMS_LOB and KOLF - Generic FILE Manager Messages

ORA-22280: no more buffers available for operation - current LOB usage num

Cause: There are two causes:

Action: For Case 1: Flush the LOB(s) through the locator that is being used to update the LOB. The current LOB usage indicates the number of buffers being held for the LOB relevant to the current operation.

ORA-22281: cannot perform operation with an updated locator

Cause: The input locator has buffering enabled and was used to update the LOB value through the LOB buffering subsystem. The modified buffer has not been flushed since the write that was performed by the input locator; thus the input locator is considered an updated locator. Updated locators cannot be the source of a copy operation. Only one locator per LOB can be used to modify the LOB value through the LOB buffering subsystem.

Action: Depending on whether the modifications made through the input locator to the LOB buffering subsystem should be written to the server, either flush the buffer to write the modifications, or, disable buffering on the locator to discard the modifications. Then, reissue the command.

ORA-22282: non-contiguous append to a buffering enabled LOB not allowed

Cause: The buffered write operation has an input offset value more than one byte or character past the end of the LOB.

Action: Specify an input offset value which is exactly one character or byte greater than the length of the LOB that you are attempting to update through a buffered write operation.

ORA-22285: non-existent directory or file for name operation

Cause: Attempted to access a directory that does not exist, or attempted to access a file in a directory that does not exist.

Action: Ensure that a system object corresponding to the specified directory exists in the database dictionary, or make sure the name is correct.

ORA-22286: insufficient privileges on file or directory to perform name operation

Cause: The user does not have the necessary access privileges on the directory alias and/or the file for the operation.

Action: Ask the database/system administrator to grant the required privileges on the directory alias and/or the file.

ORA-22287: invalid or modified directory occurred during name operation

Cause: The directory alias used for the current operation is not valid if being accessed for the first time, or has been modified by the DBA since the last access.

Action: If you are accessing this directory for the first time, provide a valid directory name. If you have been already successful in opening a file under this directory before this error occurred, then close the file and retry the operation with a valid directory alias as modified by your DBA. Oracle recommends that directories should be modified only during quiescent periods.

ORA-22288: file operation name failed

Cause: The operation attempted on the file failed.

Action: Verify that the file exists and that the necessary privileges are set for the specified operation. If the error still persists, report the error to the DBA.

ORA-22289: cannot perform name operation on an unopened file

Cause: The file is not open for the required operation to be performed.

Action: Check that the current operation is preceded by a successful file open operation.

ORA-22290: operation would exceed the maximum number of opened files

Cause: The number of open files has reached the maximum limit.

Action: Close some of the opened files and retry the operation.

ORA-22303: TYPE not found

Cause: An attempt was made to obtain information for a type that cannot be found.

Action: Make sure that the type has been committed successfully, and the schema information has been supplied correctly. Then retry the operation.

ORA-22305: input name of name is invalid

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid input name. The name does not exist in the type.

Action: Modify the program to have the caller of the routine pass a name that is valid for the function being called.

ORA-22306: input schema name name type name name already exists

Cause: An attempt was made to create a schema name, type name pair that matches a schema name, type name pair that already exists.

Action: Modify the program to have the caller of the routine pass a schema name, type name pair that does not already exist.

ORA-22307: type to alter is not a user-defined type

Cause: An attempt was made to use an input type which is not a user-defined type. User-defined types can only be altered.

Action: Modify the program to have the caller of the routine pass a user-defined type as input.

ORA-22309: input name name already exists in the type

Cause: An input name was used that is not a unique name in the type.

Action: Modify the program to have the caller of the routine pass a name that does not already exist in the type.

ORA-22311: type for attribute name does not exist

Cause: A type which does not exist was used for the attribute.

Action: No types were created/modified for this DDL transaction. Redo the DDL transaction and add the creation of the attribute's type in the DDL transaction.

ORA-22313: cannot use two versions of the same type name

Cause: The version of this type conflicts with the version of this type used by another library that was linked in with the application. An application may only use one version of a type.

Action: Check that the libraries being linked with this application use the same versions of the type.

ORA-22314: method information mismatch in ALTER TYPE

Cause: The number of methods or the method signature does not match that of the original type declaration. This is not supported.

Action: Make sure the method signatures stay identical for the previously declared method. Do not drop existing methods.

ORA-22315: the input type name does not contain a map or order function

Cause: The input type cannot be returned because it does not contain a map or order function.

Action: Add a map or order function to the type and retry the operation.

ORA-22316: input type is not a named primitive type

Cause: An attempt was made to obtain NPT-specific information on a non-named primitive type.

Action: Use a named primitive type for the function then retry the operation.

ORA-22317: typecode name is not legal as a number type

Cause: An attempt was made to use a number typecode that is not valid.


ORA-22318: input type is not an array type

Cause: An attempt was made to obtain the number of elements for a non-array type.

Action: Pass in only a named collection type which is an array.

ORA-22319: type attribute information altered in ALTER TYPE

Cause: The type attribute information that was entered does not match that of the original type declaration when altering type.

Action: You cannot alter any type information other than to add new methods when altering a type.

ORA-22321: method does not return any results

Cause: The ortgrbp() function was called on a method that does not return any results.

Action: Check that you are passing in the correct method descriptor, or that your method creation was done correctly.



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