Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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VAI-01000 to VAI-01399: Non-critical Error Messages

VAI-01000: Parameter file not found.

Cause: The specified parameter file could not be found.

Action: Provide a valid pathname for the parameter file.

VAI-01001: Database startup failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database startup failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01002: Database shutdown failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database shutdown failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01003: Database mount failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database mount failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01004: Database open failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database open failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01005: Database startup failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database startup failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01006: The stored configuration chosen is invalid.

Cause: The database startup failed because an invalid configuration was chosen.

Action: Choose a valid configuration for startup.

VAI-01200: Failed to obtain initialization parameters from database. Unknown exception.

Cause: Initialization parameters could not be obtained from the database because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01201: Can't open file to write initialization parameters.

Cause: Initialization parameters could not be obtained because of an unknown exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01202: Failed to save parameters to file (filename). Check the filename to make sure it is valid.

Cause: Saving the parameter to a file was unsuccessful.

Action: Make sure you specified a valid filename.

VAI-01203: You are not allowed to edit this initialization parameter.

Cause: User is not allowed to edit this initialization parameter.

Action: This parameter cannot be edited.

VAI-01204: Failed to open Initialization parameter file (filename).

Cause: Failed to open the Initialization parameter file for reading parameters.

Action: Make sure that you have specified a valid filename.

VAI-01205: Failed to locate required configuration tables for a version_number database.

Cause: Failed to locate list or derived parameter entries in the repository for this version of the database.

Action: Make sure the repository creation table has been run correctly.

VAI-01206: Internal error: Unknown exception type caught.

Cause: An internal error took place.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-01208: The operation failed because you are not connected to the repository.

Cause: You are not connected to the repository.

Action: Make sure that you have a connection to the repository.

VAI-01400: Failed to obtain Stored Configurations. Unknown exception.

Cause: Failed to obtain Init Params because of an Unknown Exception.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02200: Failed to find IUnknown for server document.

Cause: Failed to get the IUnknown pointer for the server document.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02201: CLSIDFromProgID failed.

Cause: The CLSIDFromProgID() call failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02202: Failed to register the job notification object in OLE's running object table.

Cause: The RegisterActiveObject(), or IRunningObjectTable::Register() call failed for the job-notif object

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02203: Failed to revoke the job notification object from OLE's running object table.

Cause: The RevokeActiveObject(), or IRunningObjectTable::Revoke() call failed for the job-notif object

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02204: Failed to get IUnknown of the active object.

Cause: The GetActiveObject() call failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02205: Failed to get IDispatch of the service.

Cause: A QueryInterface() call to obtain an IDispatch* failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02206: Automation call returned error!\n\nCode: \t

Cause: To generate error msg for any ole-automation call failure append <error id>\n<error description> ("%0ld\n%s")

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02207: Failed to get preferred credentials.

Cause: Failed to obtain the preferred credentials (GetPreferredCredentials()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02208: Failed to get logon information.

Cause: Failed to obtain the logon information (GetRepLogonInfo()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02209: Failed to initialize a job object.

Cause: Failure in initializing a job object. (Initialize()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02210: Failed to create a temporary tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to create a temporary file for the tcl-script.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02211: Failed to write to the tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to write to the tcl-script file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02212: Failed to delete the temporary tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to delete the temporary tcl-script file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02213: Failed to submit script to the job.

Cause: Failed to set the script to the job object (SetScript()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02214: Failed to set a job-name to the job.

Cause: Failed to set a name to the job object (SetJobName()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02215: Failed to set destinations to the job.

Cause: Failed to set destinations to the job object (SetDestinations()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02216: Failed to schedule the job.

Cause: Failed to set schedule to the job object (SetSchedule()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02217: Failed to set credentials to the job.

Cause: Failed to set the credentials to the job object (SetCredentials())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02218: Failed to submit OLE automation server for receiving job notifications.

Cause: Failed to set a notification object to the job (SetNotificationObjectProgID())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02219: Failed to commit the job.

Cause: Failed to commit the job object (Commit()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02220: Failed to extract job notification information.

Cause: Failed to extract notification information for a job (JobNotificationVriantToParameters())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02221: Failed to obtain pending job notifications.

Cause: Failed to flush the job notifications queue (FlushNotificationQueue())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02222: Parallel Server Startup Failed

Cause: The process of starting the parallel server failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02223: Parallel Server Shutdown Failed

Cause: The process of shuting down the parallel server failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02224: Startup parallel server operation failed.

Cause: Generic message to cover errors related to parallel server startup

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02225: Shutdown parallel server operation failed.

Cause: Generic message to cover errors related to parallel server shutdown

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02226: Error: Operation Failed

Cause: Generic error text (and dlg-caption) when operation type (start/shut) is not known

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02227: Failed to get preferred credentials

Cause: Failed to get the prefered credentials (GetPreferredCredentials())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02228: Failed to get node name for the service

Cause: Failed to get the node name for service (GetServiceNode ())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02229: Error: Failed to find parallel server startup script \"%s\"

Cause: Failed to find the startup .tcl file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02230: Error: Failed to find parallel server shutdown script \"%s\"

Cause: Failed to find the shutdown .tcl file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02231: Failed to create a dispatch driver.

Cause: A CreateDispatch() ole call failed

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02232: Cannot select any more instances.

Cause: Displayed when attempting to select one too many ops-instance in the startup/shutdown ops dlgs

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02233: Too many instances selected. Please drop some instances.

Cause: Displayed if too many ops instances selected in the startup/shutdown ops dlgs

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02234: Failed to extract information from object-list variant.

Cause: Failed to extract the information from the variant returned by discovery cache's GetObjectList()

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02235: Failed to get list of instances for the parallel server.

Cause: Failed to get the ops-instances from the discovery-cache for the parallel server

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02236: No parallel server instances have been selected.

Cause: Operation attempted requires at least one ops-instance to be selected, and currently none has been selected

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02237: Error: Failed to open file -

Cause: Failed to open the file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02238: Failed to write to file -

Cause: Failed to write to the file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02239: Parallel Server Startup Failed

Cause: The parallel server startup operation failed (dlg caption)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02240: Parallel Server Shutdown Failed

Cause: The parallel server shutdown operation failed (dlg caption)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02241: The parallel server failed to startup.

Cause: The parallel server was successfully started (detailed msg)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02242: The parallel server failed to shut down.

Cause: The parallel server was successfully shut down (detailed msg)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02243: Failed to create an item moniker for the job notification object.

Cause: The CreateItemMoniker() call failed for the job notif object.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-03000: A value for the Parameter File field must be specified.

Cause: You did not specify a filename for saving the Initialization Parameter file.

Action: Please specify a valid filename for the Parameter file.

VAI-03001: The filename you specified already exists. Do you want to overwrite this file?

Cause: You specified the name of an existing file.

Action: You must decide whether or not to overwrite the file.

VAI-03002: Unable to locate console. Please supply repository credentials.

Cause: Unable to locate the console in order to obtain repository details.

Action: You must supply the repository credentials.



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