
Teacher Pages

Your evaluation of this WebQuest includes two assignments.

The first assignment is the completion of a 10 item quiz. You may take the quiz once, or several times, if you choose. Each student must complete the quiz independently. The quiz can be found on the courseweb page for this class.

The second assignment is to address the 4 performance objectives.

To access Mr. Jones' cardiac arrhythmia, click here.

Submit a written paper to address the learning objectives making sure that each objective is clearly addressed.

Your responses to the learning objective are due on September 8, 2014 .

If you are working as a group, you may turn in one group paper which contains the name of each group member. All group members will receive the same grade for group work.

The rubric below describes how your paper will be evaluated related to the 4 learning objectives.

In order to earn a passing score for this assignment, the student must earn a minimum score of 9 on the quiz; and earn a minimum score of 12 on the paper or care plan.

Identify Mr. Jones cardiac dysrhythmia and describe how his cardiac rhythm deviates from a normal ECG complex.
Made safety errors or showed lack of understanding of the main concepts
Understood main concepts but did not cover most of the important issues
Covered most of the important issues
Covered all of the important issues without error
Describe the abnormal physiology of Mr. Jones conduction system related to his cardiac arrhythmia.
Made safety errors or showed lack of understanding of the main concepts
Understood main concepts but did not cover most of the important issues
Covered most of the important issues
Covered all of the important issues without error
Describe potential causes of Mr. Jones arrhythmia.
Made safety errors or showed lack of understanding of the main concepts
Understood main concepts but did not cover most of the important issues
Covered most of the important issues
Covered all of the important issues without error
List the possible nursing interventions/ treatments options for Mr. Jones arrhythmia.
Made safety errors or showed lack of understanding of the main concepts
Understood main concepts but did not cover most of the important issues
Covered most of the important issues
Covered all of the important issues without error