Week 2 Chapter 1.4,1.5 Homework 2 Due Sept 13 Here it is!
Week of Sept 9: Chapter 2.1 (no measure thy, though), Chapt 2.2.1,2.2.3,2.2.4,3.1
Homework 3 Due Friday sept 27
2.2 3 Find a polynomial whose Fourier representation on x in [0,2 pi] has coefficients that decay like 1/n^3
2.2 4 Find the best L1 linear approximation of exp(x) on [0,1]...(see the rest in Keener)
2.2 8 b (about Cheyshev polys)
2.2 9 (orthonormal poly)
2.2 14 (convolution theorem)
3.1 1
3.2 3abc
Week of Sept 16. There will be no class Friday 9/20. We will do Chapt 3.2 and 3.3
Week of Sept 23. More Chapter 3
Week of Oct 7 Chapter 4.2,4.3. There will be no class on Wednesday Oct 12
Week of Oct 14 Rest of Chapt 4, 5.1,5.2
HOMEWORK 4 Due Oct 18
chapter 3.4 1a,2 abcd,6
3.6 2,3,5
chapter 4.1 1a,2,3,5,6,9
suppose f(x) is continuous and differentiable at 0 and f'(0) is nonzero. evaluate delta(f(x)) in terms of delta(x) in the sense of distributions. Suppose that the same about f(x) but that it is also C^2. Compute delta'(f(x)) is the sense of distributions.