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Finite cable

There are a variety of possible end conditions we can apply to the cable. Among them are the (a) sealed end where no current can pass and so dV/dx=0, (b) short circuit or open end where the voltage is clamped to 0, (c) leaky ends which is a mixture of the two, some current escapes but not an infinite amount. Let's revert to the dimensionless equations $X=x/\lambda$ and $L=l/\lambda.$Assume that the voltage at X=0 is V0. Then the general solution to the steady-state equation is:

V(X) = V_0\frac{\cosh(L-X) + B_L\sinh(L-X)}{\cosh L + B_L \sinh L}\end{displaymath}

where BL is an arbitrary constant. This general solution is equivalent to asserting that the boundary condition at X=0 is V0 and that at X=L

B_L V(L) + \frac{dV}{dX}(L) = 0\end{displaymath}

The free parameter, BL is the ratio of the input conductance for the cable, GL to that of the semi-infinite cable, $G_\infty.$ That is, $B_L=G_L/G_\infty.$

For example, if we want the sealed end condition at X=L we take BL=0 so that

V(X) = V_0 \frac{\cosh(L-X)}{\cosh L}\end{displaymath}

If we want the open end conditions, we take $B_L=\infty$ so that

V(X) = V_0 \frac{\sinh(L-X)}{\sinh L}\end{displaymath}

If we choose BL=1 then

V(X) = V0 e-X

which is precisely the solution to the semi-infinite cable. In figure 3 we plot the steady state voltages for a variety of different cables and at different electronic lengths. These could be solved analytically, but the plots were in fact generated by using XPPAUT.

Figure 3: Steady state voltages for a variety of electrotonic lengths and for different end conditions
\psfig {,height=2.5in,angle=270}

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G. Bard Ermentrout