other conferences , 2004-05
::: Fifth Quadrennial International Fellows Conference
26-30 May 2004
Rytro, Poland
Allan Fest
1-3 October 2004
::: Conference
Honoring Allan Gotthelf 
Being, Nature, and Life: A Conference Celebrating Allan Gotthelf’s
Contributions to the Study of Classical Philosophy and Science
Site: University of Pittsburgh
The Ernest Nagel Lectures in Philosophy of
12-14 October 2004
12 October: The Color of White
13 October: Brains, Rewards, and Games
14 October: In Search of Self
Site: Carnegie Mellon University
Presenter: Terrence J. Sejnowski, Director, Computational Neurobiology
Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies
HPS Workshop
29-30 October 2004
of Physics 
Site: University of Pittsburgh
HPS Mini-Conference
12 February 2005
::: Einstein
1905 - A Centenary Celebration 
Site: University of Pittsburgh
Evolutionism: Present Approaches
10-11 March 2005
Topic: Evolutionism
Site: Universidad a Coruna
Annual Meeting of the Metaphysical Society of
11-13 March 2005
::: Metaphysics and Science

Site: University of Pittsburgh
7th Annual CMU-Pittsburgh Graduate Philosophy
9-10 April 2005
Keynote Speaker: Daniel M. Hausman, University of Wisconsin
Site: Carnegie Mellon University
The Concept of Function in Biology and Language
21-23 May 2005
Site: Monastero dei Benedettini, Catania, Italy
The 7th Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium
::: Causation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
26-29 May 2005
Konstanz, Germany