Complete Publication List
Our research publications cover alloy and processing design, phase equilibria and phase transformations. More than 40 papers are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and 7 chapters are published in Landolt-Boernstein Handbook.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Alloy and processing design, phase equilibria and phase transformations.
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Book Chapters and Proceedings
Landolt-Boernstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology (New Series), Physical Chemistry. Please check the complete list to learn more.
Selective Publications
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- "Exploring Alloy Design Pathway Through Directed Energy Deposition of Powder Mixtures: A Study of Stainless Steel 316L and Inconel 718,"
Noah Sargent, Yuankang Wang, Daozheng Li, Yunhao Zhao, Xin Wang, Wei Xiong, Additive Manufacturing Letters, 6 (2023) 100133
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- "Discovery of microsegregation-aided transformation and twinning-induced plasticity in low Mn steel through directed energy deposition of functionally graded materials,"
Noah Sargent, Samad Firdosy, Xin Wang, Nicholas Ury, Jonathan D Poplawsky, Richard Otis, Wei Xiong, Additive Manufacturing, 85 (2024) 104154
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- "Aging heat treatment design for Haynes 282 made by wire-feed additive manufacturing using high-throughput experiments and interpretable machine learning,"
Xin Wang, Luis Fernando Ladinos Pizano, Soumya Sridar, Chantal Sudbrack, Wei Xiong, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 25 (2024) 2346067
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- "Design metastability in high-entropy alloys by tailoring unstable fault energies",
Xin Wang, Xin Wang, Rafael Rodriguez De Vecchis, Chenyang Li, ..., Wei Chen, Wei Xiong, Science Advances, 8 (2022) eabo7333.
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- "Ultrahigh-temperature melt printing of multi-principal element alloys",
Xizheng Wang, Yunhao Zhao, ..., Wei Xiong, Liangbing Hu, Nature Communications, 13 (2022) 6724.
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- "Integration of Processing and Microstructure Models for Non-Equilibrium Solidification in Additive Manufacturing",
Noah Sargent, Mason Jones, Richard Otis, Andrew A. Shapiro, Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Wei Xiong, Metals, 11 (4) (2021) 570.
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- "Uncertainty Quantification and Composition Optimization for Alloy Additive Manufacturing Through A CALPHAD-based ICME Framework",
Xin Wang, Wei Xiong, npj Computational Materials, 6 (2020) 188.
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- "Stacking fault energy prediction for austenitic steels: thermodynamic modeling vs. machine learning",
Xin Wang, Wei Xiong, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 21:1 (2020) 626-634.
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- "A new high-throughput method using additive manufacturing for alloy design and heat treatment optimization",
Yunhao Zhao, Noah Sargent, Kun Li, Wei Xiong, Materialia, 13 (2020) 100835.
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- "A Comparative Analysis of Inconel 718 Made by Additive Manufacturing and Suction Casting: Microstructure Evolution in Homogenization",
Yunhao Zhao, Kun Li, Matthew Gargani, Wei Xiong, Additive Manufacturing, 36 (2020) 101404.
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- "Martensite Start Temperature Predictor for Steels Using Ensemble Data Mining",
Ankit Agrawal, Abhinav Saboo, Wei Xiong, Greg Olson, Alok Choudhary, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), (2019) 521-530.
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- "A high-entropy alloy with hierarchical nanoprecipitates and ultrahigh strength",
Zhiqiang Fu, Lin Jiang, Jenna L. Wardini, Benjamin E. MacDonald, Haiming Wen, Wei Xiong, Dalong Zhang, Yizhang Zhou, Timothy J. Rupert, Weiping Chen, Enrique J. Lavernia, Science Advances, 4 [10] (2018) eaat8712.
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- "Investigation on Phase Stability of AlxCo0.2Cr0.2Ni0.2Ti0.4-x High Entropy Alloys",
Yunhao Zhao, Yusheng Yang, Chia-Hsien Lee, Wei Xiong, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 39 (2018) 610-622.
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- "Characterization of nano-scale oxides in austenitic stainless steel processed by powder bed fusion",
Fuyao Yan, Wei Xiong, Eric J. Faierson, Gregory B. Olson, Scripta Materialia, 155 (2018) 104-108.
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- "Grain Structure Control of Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials",
Fuyao Yan, Wei Xiong, Eric J. Faierson, Materials, 10 (2017) 1260.
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- "Cybermaterials: Materials by Design and Accelerated Insertion of Materials",
Wei Xiong, Gregory B. Olson, npj Computational Materials, nature publishing group, 2 (2016) 15009.
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- "Linking Process, Structure, Property, and Performance for Metal-based Additive Manufacturing: Computational Approaches with Experimental Support",
Jacob Smith, Wei Xiong, Wentao Yan, Stephen Lin, Puikei Cheng, Orion L. Kafka, Gregory J. Wagner, Jian Cao, Wing Kam Liu, Computational Mechanics, 57 (2016) 583-610.
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- "Integrated Computational Materials Design for High-Performance Alloys ",
Wei Xiong, Gregory B. Olson, MRS Bulletin, 40 (2015) 1035-1043.
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- "An improved magnetic model for thermodynamic modeling", (CALPHAD Best Paper Award 2013)
Wei Xiong, Qing Chen, Pavel Korzhavyi, Malin Selleby, CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 39 (2012) 11-20.
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- "An improved thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-Cr system down to zero kelvin coupled with key experiments", (CALPHAD Best Paper Award 2013)
Wei Xiong, Peter Hedström, Malin Selleby, Joakim Odqvist, Mattias Thuvander, Qing Chen, CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 35(3) (2011) 355-366.
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- "Magnetic phase diagram of the Fe-Ni system",
Wei Xiong, Hualei Zhang, Levente Vitos, Malin Selleby, Acta Materialia, 59(2) (2011) 521-530.
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- "Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties in the Fe-Cr System",
Wei Xiong, Malin Selleby, Qing Chen, Joakim Odqvist, Yong Du, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 35 (2010) 125-152.
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