
Josh Ellenbogen

(PhD, University of Chicago) Assistant Professor, history of photography

Room 118A, Frick Fine Arts Building

Phone: 412-648-2101

E-mail: jme23@pitt.edu

On leave until September 2006

Josh Ellenbogen is a professor in history of photography and modern art. Trained also as an intellectual historian and a historian of science, he received his PhD in art history from the University of Chicago in August 2005. His dissertation, “Photography and the Imperceptible: Bertillon, Galton, Marey,” concerned uses of photography in 19th-century scientific representation. He is currently producing articles on Galton and Marey, turning his dissertation into a book, and organizing an exhibition at the University of Chicago on the panoramic photography of Timothy O’Sullivan and William Bell.

Selected publications:

“Inhuman Sight: Photographs and Panoramas in the Nineteenth Century”

“Representational Theory and the Staging of Social Performance”


Gould Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Princeton University

Visiting Doctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for History of Science

Current projects:

“Camera and Mind: Marey’s Images and the Photography of the Invisible” (article)

Reasoned and Unreasoned Images: Bertillon, Galton, Marey (book)

