East Asian Art and Archaeology Program
Graduate students in the program specialize in one of three areas: 1) early Chinese art and archaeology, encompassing Neolithic and early Dynastic through Tang period topics; 2) Japanese premodern art (before 1868); or 3) East Asian modern and contemporary art (since the 19th century). Scholarships and generous packages of financial aid are offered through the Department of History of Art and Architecture as well as the Asian Studies Center.
The study of East Asian art history is enriched through course work with additional faculty affiliated with the Asian Studies Center, especially in anthropology, cultural studies, music, language and literature, religious studies, economics, sociology, and history. The Asian Studies Certificate Program and the History of Art and Architecture degree programs offer credit for these courses. Study with other history of art and architecture faculty in modern and contemporary art also enriches the programs.
Study of East Asian art and culture is supported by the strong holdings in both the Frick Fine Arts Building and the East Asian Library at the University of Pittsburgh. Access to the Cleveland Museum and the Freer/Sackler Gallery, as well as other collections in the region, provide firsthand study of visual materials.
East Asian Art and Archaeology faculty
Graduate faculty
*Indicates faculty who supervise PhD students in Asian art history
*Gerhart, Karen M.
Research Area: Premodern Japanese Art and Architecture and Social and Religious History
*Gao, Minglu
Research Area: Modern and Contemporary East Asian Art
*Linduff, Katheryn M.
Research Area: Chinese Art and Archaeology/Inner Asian Art and Archaeology
Contributing faculty
Jordan, Brenda (Asian Studies Center)
Research Area: Modern Japanese Art
Barbieri-Low, Anthony (History Department)
Research Area: Early Chinese Art and History
Graduate students
Dissertations completed
Allard, Francis
Research Area: Archaeology of China, Vietnam, and Mongolia in the Bronze and Iron Age
Dissertation: Interaction and the Emergence of Complex Socieites in Lingnan During the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age
Currently: Assistnat Professor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana PA
Chiou-Peng, Tze-huey
Research Area: The Arts of Southwest China in the Bronze Age
Currently: Curator of Special Exhibits & Res., Spurlock Museum, Visiting Scholar, East Asian & Pacific Studies Center, Illinois University at Champaign-Urbana, Champaign-Urbana IL
Choi, Seung Kew
Research Area: Chinese and Korean Early Dynastic Art
Dissertation: Tomb Complexes of the Later Han Dynasty in the Shndong Area: Structural and Iconography Problems of Huaxiang Shima
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Csorba, Mrea
Research Area: The Arts of Early China and Inner Asia
Dissertation: The Indentification of Non-Dynastic Burial Practice Involving a Northern Tool Tradition on China's Dynastic Frontier
Currently: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh PA
Ge, Yan
Research Area: Early Chinese Art; Contemporary Visual Media
Dissertation: The Coexistence of Artistic Styles and teh Pattern of Exchange: Sanzingdui During the Second Millennium BC
Currently: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC
Hirayama, Mikiko
Research Area: Artist-Critics of the Meiji Period
Dissertation: The Restoration of Realism: Kojima Kikuo (1887-1950) and the Growth of Art Criticism in Modern Japan
Currently: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
Huang, Tsui-mei
Research Area: Late Neolithic and Early Dynastic Chinese Art, especially Jade
Dissertation: The Role of Jade in Late Neolithic Culture in Ancient China: The Case of Liangzhu
Graduate Institute of Art History and Art Criticism, Tainan National College of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
Li, Jian-jing
Research Area: Bronze Age Cultures in Northern China and Their Arts
Dissertation: Mapping Artifacts of the Frontier: An Approach to Study of the Yan Mountainous Area in the Eastern Zhou Period (8th - 3rd Century BC)
Currently: Chi-lin University, Taiwan, ROC
Rode, Penny
Research Area: Textile Production, Gender and Social Status in Bronze Age Chinese Art
Dissertation: Social Position of Dian Women: Evidence from Art and Archaeology
Currently: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana PA
Shelach, Gideon
Research Area: Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology of Northeast China
Currently: The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Sun, Yan
Research Area: Bronze Age Chinese Art, Gender; Contemporary Chinese Art
Dissertation: Negotiating Cultural and Political Control in North China during the Early Western Zhou Period: Elite Art and their Use in Mortuary Ritual and Practice in the Yan State
Currently: Gettysburg College, Gettysburg PA
Tsuruya, Mayu
Dissertation: War Campaign Record Painting: Japan's National Imagery of the "Holy War" (1937–1945)
Wang, Ying
Research Area: Shang Art and Gender; Contemporary Chinese Art
Dissertation: Rank and Gender in the Bone Art at Anyang, the Late Shang Center
Currently: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee WS
Wu, Xiaolong
Dissertation: Stylistic Traditions, Patronage and Cultural Identity in Ancient China: Bronze Artifacts of the Zhongshan State, Warring States Period (476-221 BCE)
Currently: Hanover College, Hanover PA
Yu, Jiang
Dissertation: Statecraft and Cemetery in Early Dynastic China: Yu Funerary Art in the Zhou
Currently: Post-doctoral Fellow, Freer/Sackler Gallery, Washington, DC
Current graduate students
Bejarano, Shalmit
PhD in progress : Pictures of Agriculture and Sericulture in the Four Seasons
Gunji, Naoko
PhD in progress: Amidaji: Mortuary Art, Architecture, and Rites of Emperor Antoku's Temple.
Han, Jiayao
Research Area: Early Chinese Art and Archaeology
Hsu, Miao-lin
PhD in progress: Chu Bronze Mirrors: Guardians of the Grave
Kim, Moonsil Lee
Research Area: Early Chinese art and archaeology
Lullo, Sheri
PhD in progress: The Construction of Beauty in Han Dynasty China
Morishima, Yuki
Research Area: Early Modern Japanese Art
Morrisette, Lisa
PhD in progress: Tagasode: Whose Sleeves?
Wallace, Leslie
PhD in progress: Hunting and Immortality in Eastern Han Dynasty Tomb Reliefs
Wu, Mandy, Jui-man
PhD in progress: Art and Identity: Elite Foreigner Tombs in Northern China during the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581 CE)
Yu, Yang
Research area: Contemporary Chinese art
Zhao, Xiaoya
Research area: Modern and Contemporary Chinese art
Zitterbart, Sue
PhD in progress: The Kumando Mandala: The World of Nature, Gods and Man