More faculty achievements and publications
- Gao Minglu's exhibition The Wall: Reshaping Contemporary Chinese Art opened in Beijing summer 2005 and in Buffalo fall 2005, It was reviewed enthusiastically in the New York Times August 18, 2005 and the Wall Street Journal November 29, 2005. The Journal critic wrote: "For all its actual and metaphorical monumentality and suggestions of enclosure, the Great Wall here suggests openings -- of doors and eyes and sensibilities."
- Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus John Williams has just been honored with a Festschrift, Church, State, Vellum, and Stone: Essays on Medieval Spain in Honor of John Williams (Brill, 2005), coedited by alumnae Therese Martin and Julie A. Harris. In 2003 Prof. Williams won the Bishko Prize for the best article on medieval Iberian history written by a North American scholar for his essay "Meyer Schapiro in Silos: Pursuing the Iconography of Style," Art Bulletin 85 (2003), 442-68.
- Working with the ULS Digital Research Library, Alison Stones and students from the department have built the first comprehensive online image collection documenting the exterior and interior architecture, sculpture, and stained glass of Chartres Cathedral. Containing more thann 3,000 photographs and diagrams, the online collection can be browsed, searched, and viewed at very high resolution.
Prof. Stones has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to spend the spring term 2006 at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, where she will pursue a collaborative project with French colleagues to do sophisticated digital analysis of medieval manuscripts.
- David Wilkins (Professor Emeritus of Italian Renaissance Art) is the 2005 recipient of the College Art Association's Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award. He received the award in February at this year's CAA conference in Atlanta. The award, established in 1977, "recognizes an individual who has been actively engaged in teaching for most of his or her career and who is an inspiration to a broad range of students in the pursuit of humanistic studies."To quote from the March 2005 issue of CAA News,"Wilkins is a beloved teacher whose dedication to generations of students has made a tremendous difference to our discipline and to the teaching profession."
- Ann Sutherland Harris has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women's Caucus for Art. She received the honor in February 2005 at the WCA conference in Atlanta. Prof. Harris has recently published a major new text, Seventeenth-Century Art and Architecture (Prentice Hall, 2004). Prof. Harris was named "Outstanding Teacher of the Year" by Pitt's fraternities and sororities in Fall 2005.
- Kathy Linduff's groundbreaking collection, Gender and Chinese Archaeology (coedited with Sun Yan), features essays by many past and present graduate students in the East Asian program.
- Fil Hearn's Ideas That Shaped Buildings (MIT Press, 2003) won the Silver Award in Architecture from Foreword Magazine and has just appeared in a Spanish edition entitled Ideas que han configurado edificios, published by Gustavo Gili in Barcelona, 2006.
- Frank Toker's Fallingwater Rising (Knopf, 2003) has received dozens of enthusiastic review from journals and newspapers such as The Washington Post and The New York Times.
- Books by Kirk Savage and Terry Smith were singled out for high praise in an overview of scholarship on art of the United States published in Art Bulletin (September 2003).