PITT ARTS Offers Two Free Performances to Freshmen and their Families on Family Weekend 2008!

PITT ARTS offers a fabulous duet of programs for freshmen and their families during Family Weekend. All enjoy free tickets, free meals and free transportation for one of the two performing arts programs.

All you need to do to participate is to call PITT ARTS at 412-624-4498 and sign up with the names, emails and phone numbers of all attending.  Please advise that space is limited!

Saturday, October 25th
13 Most Beautiful...Songs for Andy Warhol's Screen Tests
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust & Andy Warhol Museum

Call PITT ARTS to sign up at 412-624-4498.

Meeting Time: 5:40PM

Approximate End Time: 9:00PM


Between 1964 and 1966, Andy Warhol shot his "Screen Tests"-beautiful and revealing portraits of hundreds of different individuals, all visitors to his studio, The Factory. From the famous to the anonymous, most subjects were captured in stark relief by a strong keylight, and filmed by Warhol with his stationary 16mm Bolex camera on silent, black and white, 100-foot rolls of film. The result was a fascinating collection of 4-minute, slow-motion masterpieces that startle and entrance-mesmerizing in the purest sense of the word. Live music for the films composed and performed by Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips. 

Tom Sokolowski, Andy Warhol Museum’s charismatic Director will be meeting the group beforehand to provide context for the films. Enjoy a free meal at downtown’s Tonic restaurant—all gratis PITT ARTS.



FREE! Sunday, October 26th
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Shakespeare and Arabella Steinbacher

Call PITT ARTS to sign up at 412-624-4498.

Meeting Time: 12:15 PM

Approximate End Tine: 4:30PM

Marek Janowski - conductor
Arabella Steinbacher - violin

Beriloz:    King Lear Overture
Bruch:     Scottish Fantasy

Strauss:   Macbeth

European star Arabella Steinbacher debuts with Bruch's beautiful Scottish Fantasy, a four-movement concerto based on Scottish folk melodies originally composed for violin virtuoso Pablo de Sarasate. Two important works by Shakespeare are brought to musical life by Berlioz and Strauss.

Enjoy a free brunch at Heinz Hall before the concert and meet the artists—all brought to you by PITT ARTS.