Carnegie Museum of Natural History

4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 - Oakland

Admission is FREE with a valid Pitt student ID from September to April.

Adult admission, $15; seniors, $12; non-Pitt students/children, $11. Admission includes the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Sunday: noon to 5 p.m.; closed Mondays and legal holidays, except from July 10–August 28.

"Home of the dinosaurs" to many, Carnegie Museum of Natural History is the world's third largest repository of dinosaur fossils. The museum also boasts the third best mineral and gem collection in the United States, the world's first robot tour guide, the largest and most contemporary Native American exhibit east of the Mississippi, and old favorites such as Polar World, Walton Hall of Egypt, Amphibians and Reptiles, Insects, Hall of African Wildlife, Hall of North American Wildlife, and Botany Hall.