Fall 2005
University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Continuity, Infinity, Heterogeneity:
The Investigation of the Point-based
and Interval-based Systems of the Continuum
In 1988 when his best students
were close to getting tenure at major American universities, Miloš
Arsenijević , Professor of Philosophy in the University of
Belgrade, began his international career as a visiting fellow, first
in Cambridge, then Heidelberg and Cologne, and finally in 1996 in
Pittsburgh (having been exempted from American sanctions against
Serbian scholars through the intercession of Jerry Massey, then
Center Director). While in Germany, Miloš often drove twice
a month to Belgrade to keep his classes there going. As the faculty
leader of the revolt against Milošević's university
law Miloš risked losing his professorship, but he nevertheless
returned to Serbia (right after his third Center Lunchtime Talk)
to share with his Belgrade friends the dangers of the NATO bombing
of 1999. Miloš describes himself as a Phythagorean trying
to solve the problem of two loves, music and mathematics, by somehow
transcending them through a passion for metaphysics and philosophy
of science. Besides two books in Serbo-Croatian, Miloš has
published a dozen articles in English and German, mainly concerning
philosophy of space and time.
Updated May 2014
Main topics:
Continuum, Space, Time
Visiting talks:
Univ. of Oxford, Warwick, York, London(UC), Lille, Paris, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt, Bielefeld, Bonn, Budapest(CEU), Dortmund, Münster.
Main articles:
“Avoiding Logical Determinism and Retaining the Principle of Bivalence Within Temporal Modal Logic: Time as a Line-In-Drawing”, in Time and
Tense (S. Gerogiorgakis ed.), Philosophia; Munich, 2014 (forthcoming).
“Gunkology and Pointilism: Two Mutually Supervening Models of the Region-Based and the Point-Based Theory of the Infinite Two-Dimensional Continuum” (with M. Adzic) in: Space and Time: A Priori and A Posteriori Studies (Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia, and Giovanni Macchia eds.), De Gruyter; Berlin, 2014, pp.137-170.
“The Philosophical Impact of the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem”, in: Between Logic and Reality, M. Trobok et al. eds., Springer, 2011.
“Die Weltansicht der Physiker und der Geisteswissenschaftler: Die tempusfreie versus die tempusspezifische Theorie der Zeit”, in: Das Phänomen Zeit, D. Goltschnigg ed., 2011.
(with S. Šćepanović and G. Massey) “A New Reconstruction of Zeno’s Flying Arrow”, Apeiron XLI (1), 2008.
(with M. Kapetanović) “An Lω1ω1 Axiomatization of the Linear Archimedean Continua as merely Relational Structures”, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 7, 2008.
(with M. Kapetanović) “The ‘great struggle’ between Cantorians and Neo-Aristotelians: Much Ado about Nothing”, Grazer Philosophischen Studien 76, 2008.
“Die Bedeutung der Zenonschen Paradoxa für die Philosophie der Zeit”, in: Philosophie der Zeit, T. Müller ed., Klostermann, 2007.
“‘Close to the Speed of Light’: Dispersing Various Twin Paradox Related Confusions”, in: Time and History, .F. Stadler et al. eds., Ontos, 2006.
August 2016 Update
An article of mine will appear on May 25 in Time and Tense: Unifying the Old and the New; Philosophia, Munich, 2016.
