Jason Grossman
Australian National University
30 October 2006
Dear Pitt Center people
You might be pleased to hear that I've been offered a permanent job (the Australian equivalent of tenure) at the Australian National University. This has to be largely a result of the work I did while I was on my Pittsburgh fellowship --- so thank you!
P.S. - Specifics: Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University, and Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Australian National University.
University of Sydney, Australia
Fall Term 2004
Why Bayesian Statistical Inference is Nearly Right
Jason Grossman specializes in contemporary scientific methodology,
concentrating on two related areas: philosophy of statistics, and
the meanings and uses of evidence in health policy. He is also interested
in other aspects of philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science
more generally, and epistemology. In the future he intends to become
more interested in philosophy of physics and history of philosophy.
Jason is also active in politics and music, two of the only areas
in which it is even more difficult to make a career than in philosophy.
Jason is a qualified member of the Yorkshire Association of Change
Ringers (lapsed).