Terry Pratchett's Discworld is a unique series in that it has "subseries." In other words, the novels of Discworld are not always about the same people. They tell stories about witches, wizards, Death, and the Watch of Ankh Morpork, a city like no other.
Mr. Pratchett's satyrical style is typical of most British humor. Sometimes, it's blatant, in-your-face funny, but other times it will sneak up behind you and smack you in the head when you aren't looking. Word to the wise — do not drink milk (or other dangerous liquids) while reading Discworld books. It's a forumla for disaster:
Mouth full of milk + loud guffaw = milk streaming from nostrils.
For more information about this author and his very punny stories, visit his web site at www.terrypratchettbooks.com.