- 1967. Irreversibility and temporal asymmetry. The Journal of Philosophy. LXIV (18) p.543-549.
- 1967. On going backwards in time. Philosophy of Science. 34 (3) p.211-222.
- 1968. (with Abner Shimony) A note on measurement. Il Nuovo Cimento. LIV B (2) p.332-334.
- 1969. The anisotropy of time. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 47 (3) p.273-295.
- 1970. Who's Afraid of Absolute Space? Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 48 (3) p.287-319.
- 1970. Space-Time, or How to Solve Philosophical Problems and Dissolve Philosophical Muddles without Really Trying. The Journal of Philosophy. 67 (9) p.259-277.
- 1971. Review of An Introduction to the Philosophy of Space and Time by Bas C. van Fraassen. The Philosophical Review 80 (4)p.516-522.
1971. Kant, Incongruous Counterparts, and the Nature of Space and Space-Time. Ratio. 13 p.1-13. Reprinted in The Philosophy of Right and Left, 1991, Cleve and Frederick (Eds.), Dordrecht: Kluwer, p.131-149.
- 1971. Are spatial and temporal congruence conventional? General Relativity and Gravitation. 1 (2) p.143-157.
- 1971. Laplacian determinism, or is this any way to run a universe? Journal of Philosophy. 68 (21) p.729-744.
- 1972. Review of Conceptual Foundations of Contemporary Relativity Theory by J. Graves. Philosophical Quarterly 22 (21) p.373-375.
- 1972. Implications of causal propagation outside the null cone. Journal of Australasian Philosophy. 50 (3) p.222-237.
- 1972. Notes on the causal theory of time. Synthese. 24 p.74-86.
- 1972. Some Aspects of General Relativity and Geometrodynamics. The Journal of Philosophy. 69 (19) p.634-647.
- 1973. (with M Friedman) The Meaning and Status of Newton's Law of Inertia and the Nature of Gravitational Forces. Philosophy of Science. 40 (3) p.329-359.
- 1974. An Attempt to Add a Little Direction to The Problem of the Direction of Time. Philosophy of Science. 41 (1) p.15-47.
- 1974. Covariance, invariance, and the equivalence of frames. Foundations of Physics. 4 (2) p.267-289.
1975. Infinities, Infinitesimals, and Indivisibles: The Leibnizian Labyrinth. Studia Leibnitiana. 7 p.236-251.
- 1975. What is Physicalism? The Journal of Philosophy. 72 (17) p.565-567.
- 1976. Review of The Cement of the Universe by J. L. Mackie. The Philosophical Review 85 (3)p.390-394.
- 1976. Causation: A Matter of Life and Death. The Journal of Philosophy. 73 (1) p.5-25.
- 1977. (with Arthur Fine) Against Indeterminacy. The Journal of Philosophy. 74 (9) p.535-538.
1977. Leibnizian Space-times and Leibnizian Algebras. In Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Part 4 of the Proceedings of the 5th Intl. Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, London, Ontario, CA, Robert E. Butts and Jaako Hintikka (Eds.), p.93-112.
1977. Perceptions and Relations in the Monadology. Studia Leibnitiana. 9 (2) p.212-230.
- 1977. Till the End of Time. In Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume VIII: Foundations of Space-Time Theories, Earman, Glymour and Stachel (Eds.), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, p.109-133.
- 1977. How to Talk about the Topology of Time. Noûs. 11 (3) p.211-226.
- 1978. (with Clark Glymour) Einstein and Hilbert: Two Months in the History of General Relativity. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 19 (3) p.291-308.
- 1978. Fairy tales vs an ongoing story: Ramsey's neglected argument for scientific realism. Philosophical Studies. 33 p.195-202.
- 1978. (with Clark Glymour) Lost in the tensors: Einstein's struggles with covariance principles 1912-1916. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 9 (4) p.251-278.
- 1978. The Universality of Laws. Philosophy of Science. 45 p.173-181.
- 1979. Was Leibniz a Relationist? Midwest Studies in Philosophy. 4 (1) p.263-276.
- 1980. (with Clark Glymour) The gravitational red shift as a test of general relativity: History and analysis. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 11 (3) p.175-214.
- 1980. (with Clark Glymour) Relativity and Eclipses: The British Eclipse Expeditions of 1919 and their Predecessors. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. 11 (1) p.49-85.
- 1980. Combining Statistical-Thermodynamics and Relativity Theory: Methodological and Foundations Problems. In PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association Vol. 1978, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers. p.157-185.
- 1982. (with Clark Glymour and Robert Rynasiewicz) On Writing the History of Special Relativity. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers. p.403-416.
1983. The Nature and Recognition of Scientific Progress. In Collected Translation of Philosophy: Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.
1983 The Rise and Fall of Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance. In Philosophical Problems in Natural Sciences (Beijing, China)
1984. Laws of Nature: The Empiricist Challenge. In D. M. Armstrong, R. Bogdan (Ed.), D. Reidel.
- 1985. Concepts of Projectibility and the Problems of Induction. Noûs. 19 (4) p.521-535.
1986. Why Space Is Not a Substance (At Least No To First Degree). Pacific philosophical quarterly. 67 (4) p.225-244.
- 1985. The Problem of Irreversibility. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association Vol. 1986, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers, p.226-233.
- 1987. The SAP Also Rises: A Critical Examination of the Anthropic Principle. American Philosophical Quarterly. 24 (4) p.307-317.
1987. Locality, Nonlocality and Action at a Distance: A Skeptical Review of Some Philosophical Dogmas. In Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics, R. Kargon and P. Achinstein (eds.), Cambridge: MIT Press.
- 1987. (with John D. Norton) What Price Spacetime Substantivalism? The Hole Story. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 38 (3) p.515-525.
- 1988. (with Clark Glymour) What Revisions Does Bootstrap Testing Need? A Reply. Philosophy of Science. 55 260-264.
- 1989. Remarks on Relational Theories of Motion. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1) 83-87.
1989. Old Evidence, New Theories: Two Unresolved Problems in Bayesian Confirmation Theory. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. 70 (4) p.323-340.
- 1990. Bayes' Bayesianism. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (3) p.351-370.
- 1991. Review of Experiment: Right or Wrong by A. Franklin. Foundations of Physics 21 (11)p.1343-1346.
1991. On the other hand...: A reconsideration of Kant, incongruent counterparts, and absolute space. In The Philosophy of Right and Left: Incongruent Counterparts and the Nature of Space, van Cleve and Frederick (Eds.), Dordrecth: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.131-150.
- 1992. The confirmation of scientific hypotheses. In Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. M. Salmon et al. (Eds.), p.42-103. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- 1992. Determinism in the Physical Sciences. In Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. M. Salmon et al. (Eds.), p.232-268. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- 1992. Cosmic Censorship. In PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association Vol. 1992, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers p.171-180.
1993. Bayes, Hume, and Miracles. Faith and Philosophy. 10 p.293-310.
1993. Carnap, Kuhn, and the Philosophy of Scientific Methodology. In World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Philosophy of Science. Paul Horowitz (Ed.), University of Pittsburgh Press, p.9-36.
- 1993. In Defense of Laws: Reflections on Bas van Fraassen's Laws and Symmetry. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 53 (2) p.413-419.
1993. The Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis. In Philosophical Problems of the Internal and External Worlds: Essays on the Philosophy of Adolf Grünbaum, John Earman et al. (eds), p.45-82.
- 1993. (with John D. Norton) Forever Is a Day: Supertasks in Pitowsky and Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes. Philosophy of Science. 60 (1) p.22-42.
- 1993. Underdetermination, Realism, and Reason. Midwest Studies In Philosophy. 18 (1) p.19-38.
1993. (with Michel Janssen) Einstein's Explanation of the Motion of Mercury's Perihelion. In The Attraction of Gravitation: New Studies in the History of General Relativity, Earman, Janssen and Norton (Eds.), Birkäuser, p.129-172.
- 1994. Concepts of Projectibility and the Problems of Induction. In Grue! The New Riddle of Induction, Douglas Stalker (Ed.), Open Court, p.97-115. Reprint of Noûs 19 (4) (item 39 on this list).
- 1995. Outlawing time machines: chronology protection theorems. Erkenntnis. 42 (2) p.125-139.
- 1995. Recent Work on Time Travel. In Time's Arrows Today: Recent Philosophical Work on the Direction of Time, Steven F. Savitt (Ed.).
- 1995. (with Richard M. Gale) Time. In The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Robert Audi (Ed.), Cambridge University Press.
- 1996. (with John D. Norton) Infinite Pains: The Trouble with Supertasks. In Benacerraf and his Critics, Adam Morton and Stephen P. Stich (Eds.), p.231-261.
- 1996. (with Miklós Rédei) Why Ergodic Theory Does Not Explain the Success of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 47 (1) p.63-78.
- 1996. Tolerance for spacetime singularities. Foundations of Physics. 26 (5) p.623-640.
- 1997. (with Gordon Belot) Chaos out of order: Quantum mechanics, the correspondence principle and chaos. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 28 (2) p.147-182.
- 1998. Not All Is Chaos: Review of Celestial Encounters: The Origins of Chaos and Stability by Diacu and Holmes, and Law and Prediction in the Light of Chaos Research, Weingartner and Schutz (Eds.). Metascience 7 (1)p.183-187.
- 1998. (with John D. Norton) Comments on Laraudogoitia's' Classical Particle Dynamics, Indeterminism and a Supertask'. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 49 (1) p.123-133.
- 1998. (with John D. Norton) Exorcist XIV: The Wrath of Maxwell's Demon. Part I. From Maxwell to Szilard. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 29 (4) p.435-471.
- 1999. (with John D. Norton) Exorcist XIV: The Wrath of Maxwell's Demon. Part II. From Szilard to Landauer and Beyond. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 30 (1) p.1-40.
- 1999. (with John Roberts) Ceteris Paribus, There Is No Problem of Provisos. Synthese. 118 (3) p.439-478.
- 1999. (with Jean Eisenstaedt) Einstein and Singularities. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 30 (2) p.185-235.
- 1999. (with Gordon Belot) From metaphysics to physics. In From Physics to Philosophy, Jeremy Butterfield and Constantine Pagonis (Eds.),Cambrdige: Cambridge University Press, p.166-186.
- 1999. (with Jesus Mosterin) A Critical Look at Inflationary Cosmology. Philosophy of Science. 66 (1) p.1-49.
- 1999. (with Gordon Belot and Laura Ruetsche) The Hawking information loss paradox: the anatomy of controversy. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 50 (2) p.189-229.
1999. The Penrose-Hawking Singularity Theorems: History and Implications. In The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity. Goenner, Renn, Ritter and Sauer (Eds.), Boston: Birkhäuser, p.235.
- 2000. (with J.S. Alper, M. Bridger and John D. Norton) What Is A Newtonian System? The Failure Of Energy Conservation And Determinism In Supertasks. Synthese. 124 (2) p.281-293.
- 2001. Lambda: The constant that refuses to die. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 55 (3) p.189-220.
- 2001. (with Gordon Belot) Pre-Socratic Quantum Gravity. In Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale: Contemporary Theories in Quantum Gravity, Craig Callender and Nick Huggett (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.213-255.
- 2002. Bayes, Hume, Price, and Miracles. Proceedings of the British Academy. 113 p.91-110.
- 2002. (with John Roberts and Sheldon Smith) Ceteris Paribus Lost. Erkenntnis. 57 (3) p.281-301.
- 2002. Gauge Matters. Philosophy of Science. 69 (S3) p.S209-S220.
- 2002. (with Clark Glymour and Sandra Mitchell) Editorial. Erkenntnis 57 (3) p.227-280.
- 2002. Thoroughly Modern McTaggart: Or, What McTaggart Would Have Said If He Had Read the General Theory of Relativity. Philosophers Imprint. 2 (3).
- 2002. What time reversal invariance is and why it matters. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 16 (3) p.245-264.
- 2002. (with Aristidis Arageorgis and Laura Ruetsche) Weyling the time away: the non-unitary implementability of quantum field dynamics on curved spacetime. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 33 (2) p.151-184.
- 2003. (with Aristidis Arageorgis and Laura Ruetsche) Fulling Non-uniqueness and the Unruh Effect: A Primer on Some Aspects of Quantum Field Theory. Philosophy of Science. 70 (1) p.164-202.
- 2003. Tracking down gauge: an ode to the constrained Hamiltonian formalism. In Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections, Katherine Brading and Elena Castellani (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.140-162.
- 2003. Rough guide to spontaneous symmetry breaking. In Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections, Katherine Brading and Elena Castellani (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.335-346.
- 2003. The cosmological constant, the fate of the universe, unimodular gravity, and all that. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 34 (4) p.559-577.
- 2004. Determinism: What We Have Learned and What We Still Don't Know. In Freedom and Determinism, Campbell, O'Rourke and Shier (Eds.), Cambridge: The MIT Press, p.21-46.
- 2004. Laws, Symmetry, and Symmetry Breaking: Invariance, Conservation Principles, and Objectivity. Philosophy of Science. 71 (5) p.1227-1241.
- 2004. Curie's Principle and spontaneous symmetry breaking. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 18 (2-3) p.173-198.
- 2004. (with Christian Wüthrich) Time Machines. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2010/entries/time-machine.
- 2005. (with Laura Ruetsche) Relativistic Invariance and Modal Interpretations. Philosophy of Science. 72 (4) p.557-583.
- 2005. (with John T. Roberts) Contact with the Nomic: A Challenge for Deniers of Humean Supervenience about Laws of Nature Part I: Humean Supervenience. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 71 (1) p.1-22.
- 2005. (with John T. Roberts) Contact with the Nomic: A Challenge for Deniers of Humean Supervenience about Laws of Nature Part II: The Epistemological Argument for Humean Supervenience. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 71 (2) p.253-386.
- 2006. (with Doreen Fraser) Haag's Theorem and Its Implication for Quantum Field Theory. Erkenntnis. 64 (3) p.305-344.
2006. In the Beginning, At the End, and All in Between: Cosmological Aspects of Time. In Time and History: Proceedings of the 28th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2005 Friedrich Stadler and Michael Stöltzner (Eds.), Heusenstamm: Ontos-Verlag, p.155-180.
- 2006. The Implications of General Covariance for the Ontology and Ideology of Spacetime. In The Ontology of Spacetime Volume 1, Dennis Dieks (Ed.), Elsevier, p.3-23.
- 2006. The 'Past Hypothesis': Not even false. Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 37 (3) p.399-430.
- 2006. Two Challenges to the Requirement of Substantive General Covariance. Synthese. 148 (2) p.443-468.
- 2007. Aspects of Determinism in Modern Physics. In Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Volume 2: Philosophy of Physics, Gabbay, Thagard and Woods (Eds.), Elsevier BV, p.1369-1434.
- 2008. How Determinism Can Fail in Classical Physics and How Quantum Physics Can (Sometimes) Provide a Cure. Philosophy of Science. 75 (5) p.817-829.
- 2008. Essential self-adjointness: implications for determinism and the classical–quantum correspondence. Synthese. 169 (1) p.27-50.
- 2008. Superselection Rules for Philosophers. Erkenntnis. 69 (3) p.377-414.
- 2008. Reassessing the Prospects for a Growing Block Model of the Universe. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 22 (2) p.135-164.
- 2008. Pruning Some Branches from 'Branching Spacetimes'. In The Ontology of Spacetime Volume 2, Dennis Dieks (Ed.), Elsevier BV, p.187-205.
- 2009. (with Christopher Smeenk and Christian Wüthrich) Do the laws of physics forbid the operation of time machines? Synthese. 169 (1) p.91-124.
- 2011. Sharpening the Electromagnetic Arrow(s) of Time. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, Craig Callender (Ed.), Oxford University Press, p.91-124.
- 2011. (with Laura Ruetsche) Interpreting Probabilities in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistical Mechanics. In Probabilities in Physics, Claus Beisbart and Stephan Hartmann (Eds.), Oxford University Press.
- 2011. The Unruh Effect for Philosophers. In Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (2) p.81-97.
- 2012. (with Laura Ruetsche) Infinitely Challenging: Pitowski's Subjective Interpretation and the Physics of Infinite Systems. In Probability in Physics (The Frontiers Collection) p.219-232.