Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, S., and Yudelson, M. (2005) Ontology-based framework for user model interoperability in distributed learning environments. In: G. Richards (ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning, E-Learn 2005, Vancouver, Canada, October 24-28, 2005, AACE, pp. 2851-2855. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P. (2004) KnowledgeTree: A distributed architecture for adaptive e-learning. In: Proceedings of The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2004 (Alternate track papers and posters), New York, NY, 17-22 May, 2004, ACM Press, pp. 104-113. [PDF]
Farzan R. & Brusilovsky P. (2006) AnnotatEd: A Social Navigation and Annotation Service for Web-based Educational Resources. In Proceedings of E-Learn 2006--World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education.Winner of outstanding paper award. [ PDF]
Farzan R. & Brusilovsky P. (2005). Social Navigation Support in E-Learning: What are the Real Footprints? In proceedings of Third Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization (ITWP '05). At Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [PDF]
Farzan, R. & Brusilovsky P. (2005). Social Navigation Support through Annotation-Based Group Modeling. In proceedings of 10th International Conference on User Modeling.[PDF]
Yudelson, M. and Brusilovsky, P. (2005) Collaborative Paper Exchange. In: G. Richards (ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning, E-Learn 2005, Vancouver, Canada, October 24-28, 2005, AACE, pp. 2844-2850. [PDF]
Farzan R. & Brusilovsky P. (2006) Social Navigation Support in a Course Recommendation System. In proceedings of 4th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems. Winner of James Chen best student paper award. [PDF]
Yudelson, M., Brusilovsky, P., and Zadorozhny, V. (2007) A user modeling server for contemporary adaptive hypermedia: An evaluation of the push approach to evidence propagation. In C. Conati, K. F. McCoy, and G. Paliouras, editors, User Modeling, volume 4511 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 27–36. Springer, 2007. [PDF] [DOI]
Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, S. A., & Shcherbinina, O. (2005). User Modeling in a Distributed E-Learning Architecture. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on User Modeling (UM 2005), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 24-29, 2005. [PDF] [DOI]
Ramp, E., De Bra, P., and Brusilovsky, P., Authoring and Delivery of Adaptive Electronic Textbooks made Easy. - To Appear in the Proceeding of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (E-Learn 2005), Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 24-28, 2005, AACE. [PDF]
Ramp, E., De Bra, P., and Brusilovsky, P., High-Level Translation of Adaptive Hypermedia Applications. - To Appear in the Proceeding of the 16th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT 2005), Salzburg, Austria. [PDF]
Ramp, E. W. A. (2005). Authoring through Concept Structure Level Translation of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. (Master Dissertation, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2005). [PDF]
De Bra, P., Santic, T., and Brusilovsky, P. AHA! meets Interbook, and more... In: A. Rossett (ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning, E-Learn 2003, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 7-11, 2003, AACE, (pp. 57-64). [PDF]
Brusilovsky P., Farzan R., and Ahn J. (2006) Layered Evaluation of Adaptive Search. In Proceedings of Workshop on Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems. At SIGIR 2006.[PDF]
Ahn, J., Farzan, R., and Brusilovsky, P. (2006) Social Search in the Context of Social Navigation. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management 23(2):147-165.
Ahn J., Farzan R., Brusilovsky P. (2006) A Two-Level Adaptive Visualization for Information Access to Open-Corpus Educational Resources In proceedings of Workshop on Social Navigation and Community-Based Adaptation Technologies. At 4th International Conference on Adpative Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems [PDF]
Ahn J., Brusilovsky P. & Farzan R. (2005). Investigating Users' Needs and Behaviors for Social Search. In proceedings of Workshop on New Technologies for Personalized Information Access (PIA 2005). At 10th International Conference on User Modeling.[PDF]
Brusilovsky P., Farzan R. & Ahn J. (2005). Comprehensive Personalized Information Access in an Educational Digital Library. In proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P., Chavan, G., andFarzan, R., Social Adaptive Navigation Support for Open Corpus Electronic Textbooks. In Nejdl, Wolfgang and De Bra, Paul (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, (pp. 24-33). Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Springer LNCS 2004. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, A., and Yudelson, M. (2006) Addictive Links: The Motivational Value of Adaptive Link Annotation in Educational Hypermedia. In: Wade V., Ashman, H., and Smyth, B. (eds.) 4th International Conference On Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2006), (Dublin, Ireland, June 21-23, 2006). Berlin: Springer, pp. 51-60 [DOI]
Yudelson, M. and Brusilovsky, P. (2005) NavEx: Providing Navigation Support for Adaptive Browsing of Annotated Code Examples. In: C.-K. Looi, G. McCalla, B. Bredeweg and J. Breuker (eds.) Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2005, (Amsterdam, July 18-22, 2005). Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 710-717. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P., Yudelson, M., and Sosnovsky, S. (2004) An adaptive E-learning service for accessing interactive examples. In: J. Nall and R. Robson (eds.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning, E-Learn 2004, Washington, DC, USA, November 1-5, 2004, AACE, pp. 2556-2561. [PDF]
Yudelson, M., Brusilovsky, P., and Sosnovsky, S. (2004) Accessing interactive examples with adaptive navigation support. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004, Joensuu, Finland, August 30 - September 1, 2004, IEEE, pp. 842-843. [PDF, BibTeX]
Sosnovsky, S., Brusilovsky, P., and Yudelson, M. (2004) Supporting Adaptive Hypermedia Authors with Automated Content Indexing. In: Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia at the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'2004), Eindhoven, the Netherlands. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, S., and Yudelson, M. (2004) Adaptive Hypermedia Services for E-Learning. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environments at the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'2004), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, August 23, 2004 Published as No. CS-Report 04-19, Technische University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. pp. 470-479. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, A., and Yudelson, M. (2006) Addictive Links: The Motivational Value of Adaptive Link Annotation in Educational Hypermedia. In: Wade V., Ashman, H., and Smyth, B. (eds.) 4th International Conference On Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2006), (Dublin, Ireland, June 21-23, 2006). Berlin: Springer, pp. 51-60 [DOI]
Sosnovsky, S. Integration of Two Domain Conceptualizations in a Single Adaptive Hypermedia System. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning (SW-EL'06) at 4h International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'2006), Dublin, Ireland, June 20, 2006.[PDF]
Ahn, J., Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, S. (2006) QuizVIBE: Accessing Educational Objects with Adaptive Relevance-Based Visualization. In: T. Reeves, S. Yamashita (eds.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning, E-Learn 2006, Honolulu, HI, USA, October 13-17, 2006, AACE, pp. 2707-2714. [PDF]
Sosnovsky, S. and Brusilovsky, P. Layered Evaluation of Topic-Based Adaptation to Student Knowledge. In: Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on the Evaluation of Adaptive Systems at 10th International User Modeling Conference, UM 2005, July 26, 2005, pp. 47-56.[PDF]
Brusilovsky, P. and Sosnovsky, S. Engaging students to work with self-assessment questions: A study of two approaches. In: Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE'2005, Monte de Caparica, Portugal, June 27-29, 2005, ACM Press, pp. 251-255.[PDF]
Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey Sosnovsky, Olena Shcherbinina, QuizGuide: Increasing the Educational Value of Individualized Self-Assessment Quizzes with Adaptive Navigation Support. In Janice Nall and Robby Robson (eds.) Proceedings of E-Learn 2004, (pp. 1806-1813). Washington, DC, USA: AACE [PDF]
Sergey Sosnovsky, Adaptive Navigation for Self-Assessment Quizzes. In Nejdl, Wolfgang and De Bra, Paul (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, (pp. 366-371). Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Springer LNCS 2004.[PDF]
Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey Sosnovsky, Michael Yudelson, Adaptive Hypermedia Services for E-Learning. In Lora Aroyo and Carlo Tasso (eds.) Proceedings of AH2004 Workshops: Part II /Workshop on Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environments: Pervasive Adaptive Web Services and Context Aware Computing/, (pp. 470-479). Eindhoven, The Netherlands. [PDF]
Brusilovsky, P. and Loboda, T. (2006). WADEIn II: A Case for Adaptive Explanatory Visualization. Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE'2006, Bologna, Italy, June 26-28, 2005, ACM Press, pp. 48-52. [PDF]