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Proactive is an adaptive job recommender system which helps information technology-related job seekers find relevant opening jobs in the United States. The recommendation in this system is based on content. In order to take advantage of contents related to job cases, various semantic structures are being used. The system also provides comprehensive ways to explore job information, from simple navigable list of information to highly personalized recommendation.


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System development is currently supported by NSF (Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS) ) through Award# 0447083



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Recent Publications

Lee, D. H. & Brusilovsky, P. (In progress) Proactive: Comprehensive Access of Job Information

Lee, D. H. & Brusilovsky, P. (2007) Fighting Information Overflow with Personalized Comprehensive Information Access: A Proactive Job Recommender, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS '07), Athens, Greece, June 19 ~ 25, 2007


Danielle H. Lee, Peter Brusilovsky

  Information Sciences Building, Rm. 2A04
135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh,PA 15213
Tel: +1-412-624-9437
Michael V. Yudelson © 2005-2008