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CUMULATE (Centralized User Modeling Architecture for TEaching)


CUMULATE is a central user modeling server "designed to provide user modeling functionality to a student-adaptive educational system. It collects evidence (events) about student learning from multiple servers that interact with the student. It stores students' activities and infers their learning characteristics, which are the basis for an individual adaptation to them. ... External and internal inference agents process the flow of events and update the values in the inference model of the server. Each inference agent is responsible for maintaining a specific property in the inference model, such as the current motivation level of the student or the student's current level of knowledge for each course topic..."

Kobsa, A. (2007) Generic User Modeling Systems. In: P. Brusilovsky, A. Kobsa, and W. Neidl (eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 136-154.

CUMULATE Protocols

Interaction with CUMULATE is regulated by a set of protocols. Refer to this page for details.

Recent Publications

Yudelson, M., Brusilovsky, P., and Zadorozhny, V. (2007) A user modeling server for contemporary adaptive hypermedia: An evaluation of the push approach to evidence propagation. In C. Conati, K. F. McCoy, and G. Paliouras, editors, User Modeling, volume 4511 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 27–36. Springer, 2007. [PDF] [DOI]

Brusilovsky, P., Sosnovsky, S. A., & Shcherbinina, O. (2005). User Modeling in a Distributed E-Learning Architecture. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on User Modeling (UM 2005), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 24-29, 2005. [PDF] [DOI]

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Michael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky

  Information Sciences Building, Rm. 2A04
135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh,PA 15213
Tel: +1-412-624-9437
Michael V. Yudelson © 2005-2008