W | Date |
Topic |
Reference |
Assignment (due next class) |
1 | 8/27 (T) |
Intro to CL, setup, string processing
Python 3 Notes |
Exercise 1: Python refresher quiz |
8/29 (Th) |
Encoding systems, Python structural programming
[Lecture2.pdf, palindrome] |
L&C ch.1 Encoding language |
Exercise 2: Python quiz, Pig Latin |
2 | 9/3 (T) |
Encoding systems & Unicode; text processing with NLTK
[Lecture3.pdf] |
NLTK ch.1, ch.2, ch.3 |
Exercise 3: Processing O. Henry |
9/5 (Th) |
Unicode, spell checking fundamentals: edit distance, more NLTK
[Lecture4.pdf] |
L&C ch.2 Writers' aids: spell checkers |
HW 1: Spell checker, text processing |
3 | 9/10 (T) |
N-gram context, n-gram frequency, data resources on web, list comprehension
[Lecture5.pdf] |
Exercise 4: Austen vs. Enable |
9/12 (Th) |
Conditional probability, n-gram frequency, conditional frequency distribution
[Lecture6.pdf, CFD + ENABLE practice shell txt/PDF] |
NLTK ch.2, ch.3 |
HW 2: Bigram Speak |
4 | 9/17 (T) |
N-gram language models, web resources
[Lecture7.pdf, process Norvig's unigram data txt/PDF] |
J&M ed.3 ch.3 N-gram language models |
Exercise 5: Big-data n-gram stats |
9/19 (Th) |
N-gram resources, NLTK's corpus tools, corpus linguistics
[Lecture8.pdf] |
HW 3: BU/JA EFL writing (week-long) |
5 | 9/24 (T) |
Type, token, TTR; Zipf's law, freq distribution, n-grams
[Lecture9.pdf] |
- |
9/26 (Th) |
HW3 review, classifier intro
[Lecture10.pdf] |
NLTK ch.6: 6.1.3 Learning to classify text |
Exercise 6: Building classifiers |
6 | 10/1 (T) |
Naive Bayes classifier
[Lecture11.pdf, name classifier, movie review classifier]
L&C ch.5 Text classification |
HW 4: Who said it? (week-long) |
10/3 (Th) |
Bayes theorem, evaluation metrics
[Lecture12.pdf] |
NLTK 6.5 Naive Bayes classifiers, 6.3 Evaluation |
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7 | 10/8 (T) |
Homework 4 review
- |
10/10 (Th) |
Midterm exam |
Extra credit: Regex preview (due 10/17) |
8 | 10/15 (T) |
Fall break |
10/17 (Th) |
Regular expressions
J&M ed.3 ch.2 Regular expressions
HW 5: Regular expressions vs Steve Jobs |
9 | 10/22 (T) |
Regular expressions
NLTK 3.4 Regular expressions |
Exercise 7: Regex in Python |
10/24 (Th) |
RE wrap, FSA, FST and Foma
[Lecture16.pdf] |
L&C p.218 FSA
Hulden (2011) Morphological analysis with FSTs |
Exercise 8: Foma |
10 | 10/29 (T) |
FST & computational morphology
[Lecture17.pdf] |
J&M ed.2 (older edition!) ch.3 Words and Transducers
Hulden (2011) Morphological analysis with FSTs |
HW 6: Morphological analysis with Foma (week-long) |
10/31 (Th) |
FST and Foma
[Lecture18.pdf] |
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11 | 11/5 (T) |
POS tags
[Lecture19.pdf] |
L&C ch.3.4 POS, Tokenization
NLTK ch.5 Categorizing and tagging words |
Exercise 9: POS in Brown Corpus |
11/7 (Th) |
POS tagging
[Lecture20.pdf, Brown & Treebank demo]
NLTK ch.5.5 N-Gram Tagging
J&M ed.3 ch.17 POS tagging |
HW 7: N-gram tagger |
12 | 11/12 (T) |
N-gram tagger review, HMM tagger, Trees, CFG
[Lecture21.pdf, lecture21.html] |
J&M ed.3 ch.18 CFG & Constituency Parsing
NLTK 7.4.2 Trees! |
Exercise 10: Trees |
11/14 (Th) |
Parsing, CFG, Treebanks
[lecture22.html] |
NLTK ch.8 Analyzing sentence structure |
HW 8: CFG and parsing |
13 | 11/19 (T) |
Probabilistic CFG, dependency grammar;
Computational semantics: WordNet
[lecture23.html, Lecture23.pdf] |
J&M ed.3 ch.19 Dependency parsing
J&M ed.3 ch.G Word sense and WordNet
NLTK 2.5 WordNet |
Exercise 11: WordNet, lexical resources |
11/21 (Th) |
Computational semantics: formal, semantic roles
[Lecture24.pdf, PropBank demo] |
NLTK ch.10 Analyzing the meaning of sentences
J&M ed.3 ch.21 Semantic role labeling |
HW 9: PropBank, word vectors (due 12/5) |
Thanksgiving break (whole week) |
14 | 12/3 (T) |
Vector semantics, word embeddings
L&C ch.4.4 Word meanings as vectors
J&M ed.3 ch.6 Vector semantics and embeddings |
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12/5 (Th) |
Formal language theory
Eisenstein (2019) Ch.9 Formal language theory, draft copy |
Extra credit: Reflections on NLP, AI (due 12/16) |
15 | 12/10 (T) |
Formal language theory | Partee et al. (1993) Ch.16 | |
12/12 (Th) 4pm |
Final exam |
*Class schedule is subject to revision throughout the semester.